Source code for pytaser.plotter

TAS Plotting Tools.

import re
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as scpc
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

from pytaser.tas import Tas

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)

[docs] def ev_to_lambda(ev): """ Convert photon energies from eV to a wavelength in nm. """ return ((scpc.h * scpc.c) / (ev * scpc.electron_volt)) * 10e8
[docs] def lambda_to_ev(lambda_float): """ Convert photon energies from a wavelength in nm to eV. """ return (10e8 * (scpc.h * scpc.c)) / (lambda_float * scpc.electron_volt)
[docs] def cutoff_transitions(dictionary, cutoff, ind_xmin, ind_xmax): """ Output a list of transitions from a dict, with any that fall below a percentage cutoff of the maximum value transition set to None. """ max_abs_val = {key: np.max(abs(val[ind_xmin:ind_xmax])) for key, val in dictionary.items()} max_val = max(max_abs_val.values()) relevant_transition_list = [] for transition, value in max_abs_val.items(): if value >= (max_val * cutoff): relevant_transition_list += [transition] else: relevant_transition_list += [None] return relevant_transition_list
[docs] class TASPlotter: """ Class to generate a matplotlib plot of the TAS, DAS, or JDOS spectra, with a specific energy mesh, material, and conditions. """ def __init__( self, container, material_name=None, system_name=None, reference_name=None, ): """ Args: container: TAS container class as generated by TASGenerator().generate_tas() or DASGenerator().generate_das() material_name: Name of material being investigated (string) [optional, for labelling] system_name: Name of the new system used for DAS (string) [optional, for labelling] reference_name: Name of the reference system used for DAS (string) [optional, for labelling]. """ self.energy_mesh_ev = container.energy_mesh_ev self.material_name = material_name self.reference_name = reference_name self.system_name = system_name self.energy_mesh_lambda = ev_to_lambda(self.energy_mesh_ev) self.temp = container.temp if isinstance(container, Tas): self._fill_container_tas(container) else: self._fill_container_das(container) def _fill_container_tas(self, container): self.tas_total = container.tas_total self.jdos_diff_if = container.jdos_diff_if self.jdos_light_total = container.jdos_light_total self.jdos_light_if = container.jdos_light_if self.jdos_dark_total = container.jdos_dark_total self.jdos_dark_if = container.jdos_dark_if self.bandgap = container.bandgap self.conc = container.conc self.bandgap_lambda = ev_to_lambda(self.bandgap) self.alpha_dark = container.alpha_dark self.alpha_light_dict = container.alpha_light_dict self.weighted_jdos_light_if = container.weighted_jdos_light_if self.weighted_jdos_dark_if = container.weighted_jdos_dark_if self.weighted_jdos_diff_if = container.weighted_jdos_diff_if def _fill_container_das(self, container): self.das_total = container.das_total self.alpha_new_sys = container.alpha_new_sys self.alpha_ref = container.alpha_ref self.jdos_new_sys_total = container.jdos_new_sys_total self.jdos_ref_total = container.jdos_ref_total self.bandgap_ref = container.bandgap_ref if self.bandgap_ref <= 0.01: # bandgap <0.01 eV (likely metallic), so set to 0.01 eV to avoid division by zero self.bandgap_ref_lambda = ev_to_lambda(0.01) else: self.bandgap_ref_lambda = ev_to_lambda(self.bandgap_ref) self.bandgap_new_sys = container.bandgap_new_sys if self.bandgap_new_sys <= 0.01: # bandgap <0.01 eV (likely metallic), so set to 0.01 eV to avoid division by zero self.bandgap_new_sys_lambda = ev_to_lambda(0.01) else: self.bandgap_new_sys_lambda = ev_to_lambda(self.bandgap_new_sys)
[docs] def get_plot( self, relevant_transitions="auto", xaxis="wavelength", transition_cutoff=0.03, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, yaxis="tas", invert_axis=False, **kwargs, ): """ Plots TAS spectra using the data generated in the TAS container class as generated by TASGenerator().generate_tas() or in the DAS container class generated by DASGenerator().generate_das(). If the TASGenerator was not generated from VASP outputs, then the output TAS is generated using the change in joint density of states (JDOS) under. illumination, with no consideration of oscillator strengths ("Total TAS (ΔJDOS only)") - this behaviour can also be explicitly chosen by setting "yaxis" to "jdos_diff". Otherwise, the output TAS is generated considering all contributions to the predicted TAS spectrum ("Total TAS (Δɑ)"). If only the contribution from the change in absorption is desired, with stimulated emission neglected, set "yaxis" to "tas_absorption_only". One can also plot the JDOS before and after illumination, by setting "yaxis" to "jdos", or the effective absorption coefficient (a, including absorption and stimulated emission) before and after illumination, by setting "yaxis" to "alpha". If a DAS container is parsed one can opt to set "yaxis" to "das" or "jdos_das". For the "yaxis=das" the difference between the optical absorption spectra of the new system and the reference system is plotted, together with the absorption spectra of both systems. This option can only be used if the DASGenerator was created using the WAVEDER VASP output. For the "yaxis=jdos_das" the difference between the JDOS of the new system and the reference system is ploteed, together with the JDOS of both systems. The individual band-to-band transitions which contribute to the JDOS/TAS are also shown (which can be controlled with the `transition_cutoff` argument - set to 1 to not show any band-band transitions), and these are weighted by the oscillator strength of the transition when TASGenerator was created from VASP objects and yaxis="tas", "tas_absorption_only" or "alpha". Args: relevant_transitions: List containing individual transitions to be displayed in the plot alongside the total plot. If material is not spin-polarised, only write the bands involved [(-1,6),(2,7),(-8,-5)...] If spin-polarised, include the type of spin involved in transition [(-1,6, "down"),(2,7, "down"),(-8,-5, "up")...] Default is 'auto' mode, which shows all band transitions above the transition_cutoff. Note that band-band transitions with overlapping extrema are scaled by 95% to avoid overlapping lines. xaxis: Units for the energy mesh. Either "wavelength" or "energy". transition_cutoff: The minimum height of the band transition as a percentage threshold of the largest contributing transition (Across all kpoints, within the energy range specified). Default is 0.03 (3%). xmin: Minimum energy point in mesh (float64) xmax: Maximum energy point in mesh (float64) ymin: Minimum absorption point. Default is 1.15 * minimum point. ymax: Maximum absorption point. Default is 1.15 * maximum point. yaxis: What spectral data to plot. If yaxis = "tas" (default), will plot the predicted TAS spectrum considering all contributions to the TAS (if ``TASGenerator`` was created from VASP outputs)("Total TAS (Δɑ)"), or just using the change in the joint density of states (JDOS) before & after illumination ("Total TAS (ΔJDOS only)") - the latter can also be explicitly selected with ``yaxis`` = "jdos_diff". Alternative choices: - ``yaxis = "tas_absorption_only"``: Plot the predicted TAS spectrum considering only the change in absorption, with stimulated emission neglected. - ``yaxis = "jdos"``: Plot the joint density of states before & after illumination. - ``yaxis = "alpha"``: Plot the effective absorption coefficient (a, including absorption and stimulated emission) before and after illumination. - ``yaxis = "das"``: Plot the difference between the optical absorption spectra of the new system and the reference system, together with the absorption spectra - ``yaxis = "jdos_das"``: Plot the difference between the JDOS of the new system and the reference system, together with the JDOS of both systems. invert_axis: If ``True``, x-axis decreases from left-right. If ``False`` (default), x-axis will increase from left-right. Especially relevant when switching between wavelength and electronvolts. **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to ``matplotlib.pyplot.legend()``; such as `ncols` (number of columns in the legend), `loc` (location of the legend), `fontsize` etc. (see Returns: Matplotlib pyplot of the desired spectrum, with labelled units. """ # check specified yaxis matches available choices: if yaxis.lower() not in [ "tas", "tas_absorption_only", "jdos", "alpha", "jdos_diff", "das", "jdos_das", ]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid yaxis '{yaxis}' specified, must be one of: 'tas', " f"'tas_absorption_only', 'jdos', 'alpha', 'jdos_diff', 'das', 'jdos_das'!" ) energy_mesh = 0 bg = 0 bg_ref = 0 bg_new_sys = 0 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) xmin_ind = 0 xmax_ind = -1 if xaxis == "wavelength": energy_mesh = self.energy_mesh_lambda if xmin is not None: xmax_ind = np.abs(energy_mesh - xmin).argmin() if xmax is not None: xmin_ind = np.abs(energy_mesh - xmax).argmin() if yaxis.lower() == "das" or yaxis.lower() == "jdos_das": bg = self.bandgap_ref_lambda bg_ref = self.bandgap_ref_lambda bg_new_sys = self.bandgap_new_sys_lambda else: bg = self.bandgap_lambda plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)", fontsize=30) elif xaxis == "energy": energy_mesh = self.energy_mesh_ev if xmin is not None: xmin_ind = np.abs(energy_mesh - xmin).argmin() if xmax is not None: xmax_ind = np.abs(energy_mesh - xmax).argmin() if yaxis.lower() == "das" or yaxis.lower() == "jdos_das": bg = self.bandgap_ref bg_ref = self.bandgap_ref bg_new_sys = self.bandgap_new_sys else: bg = self.bandgap plt.xlabel("Energy (eV)", fontsize=30) if xmin is not None: if xmin / np.min(energy_mesh) < 0.95: raise ValueError( "Plotting region xmin value is smaller than energy mesh minimum. Please " "specify in same units as xaxis" ) if xmin / np.max(energy_mesh) > 1.05: raise ValueError( "Plotting region xmin value is larger than energy mesh maximum. Please " "specify in same units as xaxis" ) if xmax is not None: if xmax / np.min(energy_mesh) < 0.95: raise ValueError( "Plotting region xmax value is smaller than energy mesh minimum. Please " "specify in same units as xaxis" ) if xmax / np.max(energy_mesh) > 1.05: raise ValueError( "Plotting region xmax value is larger than energy mesh maximum. Please " "specify in same units as xaxis" ) def _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves): local_extrema_coords = [] output_list_of_curves = [] # get max value of all curves to use as relative scaling factor: max_curve = np.max([np.max(np.abs(curve)) for curve in list_of_curves if curve is not None]) for curve in list_of_curves: # Find the local maxima of each curve modified_curve = curve.copy() if curve is not None else None if modified_curve is not None and np.max(np.abs(modified_curve)) / max_curve > 0.05: local_extrema_indices = argrelextrema(np.abs(modified_curve), np.greater)[0] relative_local_extrema = [ (idx, round(np.abs(modified_curve)[idx] / max_curve, 2)) for idx in local_extrema_indices ] # if any matching tuple in the list of local extrema: while any( i == j for i in relative_local_extrema for j in local_extrema_coords if i[1] / max_curve > 0.05 and j[1] / max_curve > 0.05 ): modified_curve *= 0.95 local_extrema_indices = argrelextrema(np.abs(modified_curve), np.greater)[0] relative_local_extrema = [ (i, round(np.abs(modified_curve)[i] / max_curve, 2)) for i in local_extrema_indices ] local_extrema_coords += [ (i, round(np.abs(modified_curve)[i] / max_curve, 2)) for i in local_extrema_indices ] output_list_of_curves.append(modified_curve) return output_list_of_curves if yaxis.lower() in [ "tas", "tas_absorption_only", "jdos_diff", "alpha", ]: abs_label = "ΔA (a.u.)" if self.alpha_light_dict is not None and "jdos_diff" not in yaxis.lower(): max_jdos_diff = np.max( [np.abs(vals).max() for vals in self.weighted_jdos_diff_if.values()] ) transition_dict = {k: v / max_jdos_diff for k, v in self.weighted_jdos_diff_if.items()} if "tas" in yaxis.lower(): if yaxis.lower() == "tas_absorption_only": tas_total = self.alpha_light_dict["absorption"] - self.alpha_dark else: # yaxis = "tas" tas_total = self.tas_total # alpha_light_abs - alpha_light_emission - alpha_dark normalised_tas = tas_total / np.max(np.abs(tas_total)[xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], normalised_tas[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=r"Total TAS ($\Delta\alpha$)", color="black", lw=3.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) else: # yaxis = "alpha" abs_label = r"$\alpha$ (a.u.)" transition_dict = {} # control transition plotting here rather than later on: alpha_normalisation_factor = np.max( # normalise to max alpha in dark np.abs(self.alpha_dark)[xmin_ind:xmax_ind] ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], ( self.alpha_light_dict["absorption"][xmin_ind:xmax_ind] - self.alpha_light_dict["emission"][xmin_ind:xmax_ind] ) / alpha_normalisation_factor, label=r"$\alpha$ (light)", color="black", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.alpha_dark[xmin_ind:xmax_ind] / alpha_normalisation_factor, label=r"$\alpha$ (dark)", color="blue", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) weighted_jdos_normalisation_factor = np.max( np.abs(list(self.weighted_jdos_dark_if.values()))[xmin_ind:xmax_ind] ) if relevant_transitions == "auto": relevant_transition_list = cutoff_transitions( self.weighted_jdos_light_if, transition_cutoff, xmin_ind, xmax_ind, ) list_of_curves = [ np.array(self.weighted_jdos_light_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition is not None else None for transition in relevant_transition_list ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(relevant_transition_list): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i] / weighted_jdos_normalisation_factor, label=str(transition) + " (light)", color=f"C{2 * i}", lw=2.5, ) if transition is not None and np.any( self.weighted_jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind] ): # only plot dark if it's not all zero plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.weighted_jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind] / weighted_jdos_normalisation_factor, label=str(transition) + " (dark)", ls="--", # dashed linestyle for dark to distinguish color=f"C{2 * i + 1}", ) else: list_of_curves = [ np.array(self.weighted_jdos_light_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in self.weighted_jdos_light_if ] list_of_transitions = [ transition if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in self.weighted_jdos_light_if ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(list_of_transitions): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i] / weighted_jdos_normalisation_factor, label=str(transition) + " (light)", lw=2.5, color=f"C{2 * i}", ) if np.any(self.weighted_jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]): # only plot dark if it's not all zero plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.weighted_jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind] / weighted_jdos_normalisation_factor, label=str(transition) + " (dark)", ls="--", # dashed linestyle for dark to distinguish color=f"C{2 * i + 1}", ) else: if yaxis.lower() in ["tas_absorption_only", "alpha"]: raise ValueError( f"The `{yaxis}` option for yaxis can only be chosen if the TASGenerator " f"object was created using VASP outputs!" ) if yaxis.lower() == "jdos_diff" and self.alpha_dark is not None: # jdos_diff explicitly set but WAVEDER info parsed, so tas_total is not the jdos_diff: jdos_diff = self.jdos_light_total - self.jdos_dark_total else: jdos_diff = self.tas_total plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], jdos_diff[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label="Total TAS ($\\Delta$JDOS only)", color="black", lw=3.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) transition_dict = self.jdos_diff_if if ( relevant_transitions == "auto" and transition_dict ): # if transitions haven't already been plotted relevant_transition_list = cutoff_transitions( transition_dict, transition_cutoff, xmin_ind, xmax_ind, ) list_of_curves = [ np.array(transition_dict[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition is not None else None for transition in relevant_transition_list ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(relevant_transition_list): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i], label=str(transition), lw=2.5, color=f"C{i}", ) elif transition_dict: # if transitions haven't already been plotted list_of_curves = [ np.array(transition_dict[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in transition_dict ] list_of_transitions = [ transition if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in self.jdos_light_if ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(list_of_transitions): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i], label=str(transition), lw=2.5, color=f"C{i}", ) elif yaxis.lower() == "jdos": abs_label = "JDOS (a.u.)" plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_light_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label="JDOS (light)", color="black", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_dark_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label="JDOS (dark)", color="blue", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) if relevant_transitions == "auto": relevant_transition_list = cutoff_transitions( self.jdos_light_if, transition_cutoff, xmin_ind, xmax_ind, ) list_of_curves = [ np.array(self.jdos_light_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition is not None else None for transition in relevant_transition_list ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(relevant_transition_list): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i], label=str(transition) + " (light)", color=f"C{2 * i}", lw=2.5, ) if np.any(self.jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]): # only plot dark if it's not all zero plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=str(transition) + " (dark)", ls="--", # dashed linestyle for dark to distinguish color=f"C{2 * i + 1}", ) else: list_of_curves = [ np.array(self.jdos_light_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]) if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in self.jdos_light_if ] list_of_transitions = [ transition if transition in relevant_transitions else None for transition in self.jdos_light_if ] list_of_curves = _rescale_overlapping_curves(list_of_curves) for i, transition in enumerate(list_of_transitions): if transition is not None: plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], list_of_curves[i], label=str(transition) + " (light)", lw=2.5, color=f"C{2 * i}", ) if np.any(self.jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind]): # only plot dark if it's not all zero plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_dark_if[transition][xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=str(transition) + " (dark)", ls="--", # dashed linestyle for dark to distinguish color=f"C{2 * i + 1}", ) elif yaxis.lower() == "das": if self.alpha_new_sys is None or self.alpha_ref is None: raise ValueError( f"The `{yaxis}` option for yaxis can only be chosen if the DASGenerator " f"object was created using WAVEDER output from VASP!" ) if self.system_name is not None: # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula label_name = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.system_name) if self.reference_name is not None: # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula labe_name_ref = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.reference_name) abs_label = "Absorption (cm$^{-1}$)" plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.das_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label="ΔA", color="black", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.alpha_new_sys[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=label_name, color="red", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.alpha_ref[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=labe_name_ref, color="blue", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) elif yaxis.lower() == "jdos_das": if self.system_name is not None: # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula label_name = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.system_name) if self.reference_name is not None: # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula labe_name_ref = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.reference_name) abs_label = "JDOS (a.u.)" plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], (self.jdos_new_sys_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind] - self.jdos_ref_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind]), label="ΔJDOS", color="black", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_new_sys_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=label_name, color="red", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.plot( energy_mesh[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], self.jdos_ref_total[xmin_ind:xmax_ind], label=labe_name_ref, color="blue", lw=2.5, alpha=0.75, # make semi-transparent to show if overlapping lines ) plt.ylabel(abs_label, fontsize=30) y_axis_min, y_axis_max = plt.gca().get_ylim() if ymax is None: ymax = y_axis_max if ymin is None: ymin = y_axis_min if yaxis.lower() == "das" or yaxis.lower() == "jdos_das": if bg_ref is not None and bg_new_sys is not None: y_bg = np.linspace(ymin, ymax) x_bg_ref = np.empty(len(y_bg), dtype=float) x_bg_ref.fill(bg_ref) x_bg_new_sys = np.empty(len(y_bg), dtype=float) x_bg_new_sys.fill(bg_new_sys) plt.plot( x_bg_new_sys, y_bg, label=label_name + " Bandgap", color="red", ls="--", ) plt.plot( x_bg_ref, y_bg, label=labe_name_ref + " Bandgap", color="blue", ls="--", ) else: if bg is not None: y_bg = np.linspace(ymin, ymax) x_bg = np.empty(len(y_bg), dtype=float) x_bg.fill(bg) plt.plot(x_bg, y_bg, label="Bandgap", ls="--") if xaxis == "wavelength" and any(i is None for i in [xmax, xmin]): # rescale xmax so it doesn't extend to near-infinity and xmin so # it doesn't extend all the way to zero / negative (which is unphysical): lines = plt.gca().get_lines() max_x_for_y_gt_0 = None min_x_for_y_gt_0 = None # Iterate through lines for line in lines: xdata = line.get_xdata() ydata = line.get_ydata() # Find x values where corresponding |y| > 0.01 x_for_y_gt_0 = xdata[np.abs(ydata) > 0.01] if len(x_for_y_gt_0) > 0: # Find min/max x from the filtered values max_x_in_line = np.max(x_for_y_gt_0) min_x_in_line = np.min(x_for_y_gt_0) if max_x_for_y_gt_0 is None or max_x_in_line > max_x_for_y_gt_0: max_x_for_y_gt_0 = max_x_in_line if min_x_for_y_gt_0 is None or min_x_in_line < min_x_for_y_gt_0: min_x_for_y_gt_0 = min_x_in_line if max_x_for_y_gt_0 is not None and xmax is None: # Set x limit to 105% of max x-value xmax = max_x_for_y_gt_0 * 1.05 if min_x_for_y_gt_0 is not None and xmin is None: # Set x limit to 95% of min x-value xmin = min_x_for_y_gt_0 * 0.95 plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) if yaxis.lower() == "das" or yaxis.lower() == "jdos_das": if self.material_name is not None: # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula formatted_material_name = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.material_name) plt.title( formatted_material_name, fontsize=25, ) else: if (self.material_name is not None) and (self.temp is not None) and (self.conc is not None): # add $_X$ around each digit X in self.material_name, to give formatted chemical formula formatted_material_name = re.sub(r"(\d)", r"$_{\1}$", self.material_name) # convert conc to scientific notation with 2sf sci_conc = "{0:.{1:d}e}".format(self.conc, 2).split("e") # plot updated title plt.title( formatted_material_name + " at T = " + str(self.temp) + " K, n = " # where n is the free (electron) carrier concentration + f"{sci_conc[0]}" + f" x 10$^{{{int(sci_conc[1])}}}$" + " cm$^{-3}$", fontsize=25, ) plt.xticks(fontsize=30) plt.yticks(fontsize=30) plt.legend( loc=kwargs.pop("loc", "center left"), bbox_to_anchor=kwargs.pop("bbox_to_anchor", (1.04, 0.5)), fontsize=kwargs.pop("fontsize", 16), **kwargs, ) if invert_axis: # invert x-axis if desired. Likely to be necessary if x-axis unit is wavelength, unlikely if in # electronvolts. plt.gca().invert_xaxis() return plt